My CMW Wednesday was assignment-free, so I spent the evening roaming as I pleased.
I started off the evening at The Indie Awards, where my regular media credentials were not enough to give me photography access. As such, I was barred from using my DSLR at the event. I have a few pictures on my point and shoot, and may upload them later.
Afterward, I headed to The Velvet Underground, where ROMES, BLAJK, and Baio were stationed. It was a night of one word, often capitalized, band names.
First up, ROMES. These guys were a ton of fun to photograph, and the lights for this set were great as well!

I tried my hand at a few black and white photos as well:

Next, BLAJK, a local Toronto band who drew a sizable crowd to the venue. Vocalist, Jordan Radics, has one of those great unexpected voices whose timbre you don't expect based on his frame. The banmd is scheduled for a set during Bestival Toronto later in June as well. Here's hoping all this exposure helps further propel these home town heroes into the limelight.

And the evening's headliner, Baio - also knwon as Chris Baio, the bassist of Vampire Weekend. Baio shimmied onstage and was clearly having a great time throughout his set.
